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Feb '08

Simplicity in Technology

It is very true that simplicity in technology is very fundamental for any technology to be accepted and adopted by the general public.

The TED talk by ‘David Pogue’ – the technology columnist New York Times is very insightful, musical and outright funny.

Don’t miss this one. He talks about customer support to software upgrade and Microsoft to Google offering examples of products that celebrate the power of simplicity.

This I feel is one of the funniest talks I have seen at TED and is very informative while still being entertaining and funny.

But disagree on the drop-down list of countries design; there are many better ways of handling this. Like intelligently (ip to geo mapping) selecting the user’s country and providing option to user to edit it were in it would provide the drop-down list. And since this list are sorted alphabetically; one can type the first letter to get to the appropriate position in the list.

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